AutoAppendix: Towards One-Click reproducibility of high-performance computing experiments

Hi everyone,

I’m excited to wrap up the AutoAppendix project with our final findings and insights. Over the course of this initiative, we’ve worked to assess the reproducibility of artifacts submitted to the SC24 conference and create guidelines that aim to improve the standard for reproducible experiments in the future. Here’s a summary of the project’s final phase and what we’ve learned.

Project Goals and Progress

The goal of AutoAppendix was to evaluate the computational artifacts provided by SC24 paper submissions, focusing on reproducibility. These artifacts accompany papers applying for the “Artifact Replicable” badge in the conference’s reproducibility initiative. Volunteer members of this initiative assess 1-2 paper appendices each. In this project, we analyzed a larger portion of artifacts to gain a broader perspective on potential improvements to the reproducibility process.

We selected 18 out of 45 submissions, focusing on experiments that could be easily replicated on Chameleon Cloud. Our evaluation criteria were based on simplicity (single-node setups) and availability of resources. The final analysis expanded on the earlier midterm findings, shedding light on various challenges and best practices related to artifact reproducibility.

Artifact Evaluation Process

During the evaluation process, we focused on examining the completeness and clarity of the provided artifacts, looking closely at documentation, setup instructions, and the degree of automation.

Our first step was to replicate the environments used in the original experiments as closely as possible using the resources from Chameleon. Many papers included instructions for creating the necessary software environments, but the clarity of these instructions varied significantly across submissions. In some cases, we even encountered challenges in reproducing results due to unclear instructions or missing dependencies, which reinforced the need for standardized, clear documentation as part of the artifact submission process.

We observed that containerization and semi-automated setups (with scripts that break down the experiment into smaller steps) were particularly effective in enhancing the reproducibility of the artifacts. One artifact particularly caught our attention due to its usage of the Chameleon JupyterHub platform, making it reproducible with a single click. This highlighted the potential for streamlining the reproducibility process and showcased that, with sufficient effort and the right tools, experiments can indeed be made replicable by anyone.


Throughout the evaluation, we observed that reproducibility could vary widely based on the clarity and completeness of the documentation and the automation of setup procedures. Artifacts that were structured with clear, detailed steps for installation and execution tended to perform well in terms of replicability.

From our evaluation, we derived a set of guidelines (intended as must-haves) and best practices (recommended) for artifact reproducibility, which can be found below.

Due to our fascination of the potential of the Chameleon JupyterHub platform and its adjacent Trovi artifact repository, we decided to create several templates that can be used as a starting point for authors to make integration of their artifacts with the platform easier. In the design of these templates, we made sure that artifacts structured according to our guidelines are particularly easy to integrate.


  1. Clear Documentation: Provide clear and detailed documentation for the artifact in the corresponding appendix, such that the artifact can be replicated without the need for additional information. For third-party software, it is acceptable to refer to the official documentation.

  2. Software Setup: Clearly specify the versions of all (necessary) software components used in the creation of the artifact. This includes the operating system, libraries, and tools. Particularly, state all software setup steps to replicate the software environment

  3. Hardware Specifications: Specify the hardware the experiment was conducted on. Importantly, state the architecture the experiments are intended to run on, and ensure that provided software (e.g. docker images) are compatible with commonly available architectures.

  4. Expected Results: Always provide the expected outputs of the experiment, especially when run on different hardware, to make it easier for reviewers to assess the success of the replication.

  5. Public Data: Publish the experiment data to a public repository, and make sure the data is available for download to reviewers and readers, especially during the evaluation period. Zenodo is a recommended repository for this purpose.

  6. Automated Reproducibility: For long-running experiments, provide progress output to the reviewer to ensure the experiment is running as expected. Give an idea in the documentation of

  • how much time long-running steps in the reproduction will take
  • what the progress output looks like or how frequently it is emitted
  1. Sample Execution: Conduct a sample evaluation with hardware and software as similar as possible to the intended reproduction environment.

Best Practices

  1. Reproduciible Environment: Use a reproducible environment for the artifact. This can come in several forms:
  • Containerization: Provide instructions for building the environment, or, ideally, provide a ready-to-use image. For example, Docker, Signularity or VirtualBox images can be used for this purpose
  • Reproducible Builds: Package managers like Nix or Guix have recently spiked in popularity and allow their users to create reproducible environments, matching the exact software versions across different systems.
  1. Partial Automation: It often makes sense to break an experiment down into smaller, more manageable steps. For Linux-based systems, bash scripts are particularly viable for this purpose. We recommend prefixing the scripts for each step with a number, such that the order of execution is clear.

  2. X11 Availability: Usually, reviewers will not have access to a graphical user interface on the system where the artifact is evaluated. If the artifact requires a graphical user interface, provide a way to run the artifact without it. For example, save matplotlib plots to disk instead of showing them with

  3. Experiment output: Do not provide output files of the experiment in your artifact, unless explicitly intended. If provided output files are intended for comparison, they should be marked as such (e.g. in their filename). Similarly, any output logs or interactive outputs in Jupyter notebook should not be part of the artifact, but rather be initially generate during the artifact evaluation.

Trovi Templates

Our templates share a common base that features a central configuration file for modifying the Chameleon experiment parameters (such as node type). Building on this base, we provide three templates with sample experiments that each use different environments:

  • Docker template: This template is designed for containerized experiments and supports nvidia GPUs over the nvidia-container-toolkit integration.
  • Nix template: Sets up the Nix package manager with a shell.nix file that can be used to configure the environment.
  • Guix template: Installs the Guix package manager and executes a sample experiment from an existing reproducible paper that hinges on the reproducibility of the software environment.


In summary, the AutoAppendix project has been an insightful journey into the complexities of artifact reproducibility. Our evaluations highlight both the challenges and potential solutions for future reproducibility initiatives. By following these essential guidelines and implementing best practices, we aim for the research community to achieve higher standards of transparency and reliability in scientific research and help to ensure that the results of experiments can be replicated by others.

Thanks for following along with our progress! We’re excited to see the positive impact these findings will have on the research community.

If you are interested in the full project report, you can find it here, together with the Trovi templates.

Klaus Kraßnitzer
Klaus Kraßnitzer
Master’s student, TU Wien

Klaus Kraßnitzer is a Master’s student in the field of Computer Engineering at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).